
Volunteers Nikitas, Stuart, Gary, Juan, and James

Our Borough OEM team is filled with enthusiastic volunteers. Continue reading to learn why we get involved in our community…

Nikitas Kasiotis

“What inspired me to volunteer? If there is an emergency in my community, sitting home will not help. I want to be out there in action helping people. OEM offers a great opportunity to help. I enjoy meeting so many people in town and other volunteers I have learned so many valuable skills and see the world through a different lens. So give it a try, volunteering is a good act and you will benefit.“

Stuart Teitelbaum

“I enjoy working with people who have a common interest with helping others in an emergency. JOIN…..you get back more than you give.”

Gary D’Aloisio

“I like the feeling of helping. My advice is to get involved with any of the Emergency Services.”


Juan Pereira

“Volunteering was one of the best decisions I made after moving into Middlesex Boro. I knew that I wanted to find a way to connect with the community and get involved. I had to step out of my comfort zone when joining OEM, but in the end, I gained, and continue to gain a lot of enrichment from it. I also knew that it is always great to have people from different walks of life contribute. I bring valuable and needed skills into the organization such as being a bilingual Spanish speaker. Being able to help the Community be a better place, all while making friends within the organization, has brought a lot of fulfillments into my life.”

James Green Sr.

“When I moved back into Middlesex in 1998, I knew I wanted to give back to the Boro, so I joined OEM and Fire Police.”


Visit our Volunteering Contact page here to get in touch with our volunteer coordinator and talk about how you can get involved to make our community the best it can be.