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Reflections – My Time As Mayor

December 19, 2023

Farewell Address from Mayor John L. Madden

Upon being asked to run, I was very much aware of the imminent gathering storm brewing at Borough Hall.

My initial reaction was why? Why do I need to insert myself in the vortex of this simmering, swirling entropy? Was I delirious? I was planning on leaving office on a high note as Council President.

However with much painful apprehension, I finally made the decision to run with my wife’s blessing.

The general election of 2019 produced many surprises for me. First was that I actually won. Secondly, I won by the largest margin between any two mayors in Middlesex Borough history. Unfortunately, this yielded very little respite with a seemingly insurmountable task still before me.

With no mentoring or mayoral training, I was given a day or two to prepare to run the next council meeting due to the immediate resignation of my predecessor. It was time to roll up my sleeves and take the plunge – so much for leaving office on a high note, which then became a mere footnote of the past.

Not long after the first couple of meetings, I received a call from Standard & Poor’s, Global, our credit reporting agency. Their ominous message concerned the potential drop in our favorable credit rating of AA., due to our burgeoning debt and significant drop in our surplus all of which were largely ignored. In addition, the Best Practices guidelines as set forth by our auditors were also largely ignored. These were indeed perilous times. So my reply to S&P Global was to reassure them that we are addressing the problem now, but some time was needed. My reassurance was my “collateralized” offering that my business of 41 years at the time was due to prudent conservative fiscal planning. If we survived through the “great recession” of 2008 then we were doing something right. We were then given some time to retire the debt burden and replenish the surplus.

The Best-Laid Plans…

With a new plan in place coupled and some Divine Intervention, it looked like we were on the right track thanks to the diligent work by our staff. Then the next shoe dropped.

In March 2020 a new guest quickly took up lodging- the pandemic. So soon we were faced with another unexpected challenge which hit hard. The virus brought not only an unprecedented amount of illness but also much of our anticipated revenue took a nose-dive.

And if things couldn’t get any worse for me on a personal level, I lost my mother in 2020, and my son Kyle in 2021 – both unexpectedly – and the recent loss of my dear mother-in-law.

The Financials

Looking at the fiscal situation of the Borough during my term, in 2019, our net fund balance (our surplus) was down to $397,000. In 2022, the last reporting year, our net fund balance came in at a much healthier $1,566,000.

Due to the burgeoning debt in 2019 which accrued in the prior years, a plan was put into place to address the arrearage. However, we still had to increase property taxes by approx. 7 % in the first year in order to stabilize future municipal tax rates. Since that increase, property taxes up to the present stayed relatively flat. In addition, we were able to retire much of the old debt.


I was the first mayor to push through the Borough-wide revaluation which had been kicked down the road since 1986. This mandatory plan equitably spread the tax burden to all properties. Taxes on most residential properties dropped, while valuations significantly increased. The burden of the taxes shifted to the commercial and industrial properties. 

In addition:

  • I have been an active participant on the Master Plan reexamination committee which is a ten year plan to create a vision of the needs of our town.

  • Merged the planning and zoning boards to save time and expense for both residents, developers and attorneys.

  • Acquired 302 Union Ave, to be part of Victor Crowell Park.

  • Welcomed 2 warehouse projects with pilot programs which will provide substantial revenue for 30 years.

  • Revised the Lincoln Blvd. Redevelopment Plan

  • Established the Cultural Arts and Heritage Committee

  • Established the Film committee

  • Received back the once-heavily-contaminated Middlesex Sampling Plant, once utilized for the Manhattan project regarding the Atomic Bomb. The federal government cleaned the property to “residential” standards and sold it back to us for $1.00 dollar.

  • Upgrades to our parks including playground equipment, new bathrooms and other improvements

  • The Street Scape project along Rt. 28 is close to completion.

  • Established the Environmental Commission

  • Rewrote our Shade Tree Ordinance

  • Authorized emergency appropriations for Covid funding

  • Upgraded a large part of our Sanitary Sewer Rehab. Project.

  • Hired a grant writer to reduce Borough expenditures on projects.

  • Police dispatching established

  • Swore in a total of 9 officers which brings them to full staff.

  • Planted many shade trees along Rt 28 and MVP

  • Many road paving projects completed including road-related improvements

  • Baekeland Ave infrastructure project underway.

  • Borough properties sold to USACE for continuation of flood control project.

  • 1,400 number of resolutions adopted

  • 119 number of ordinances adopted

Final Remarks

So now I come to you tonight with mixed emotions, some bittersweet with unfulfilled tasks, and others of pleasant and meaningful accomplishments in the pursuit of making Middlesex Borough a true “hallmark” town.

That said, my next contemplation was to put my parting thoughts down into words which was probably the most difficult task before me in this epilogue of my tenure as your mayor.

I have had many amazing memories, enjoyed the many years of varied Borough duties assigned to me, established some wonderful friendships and acquaintances, and really gained insight of how demanding the roles are of each employee and all personnel connected with the operations here.

My sincere gratitude goes out to all our staff, employees, our professionals, our governing body members, all the departments, committees, commissions, Jason Cilento, the Dunellen Mayor, the League of Municipalities for their guidance, and our Fire Department, OEM, Rescue Squad, and Police Department for their dedication in making this community a wonderful place to live.

I wish to give a particular shout out to Lenny, our DPW Supervisor, Linda, our Clerk, Chrissy, our Library Director, Chief Geist of our Police Department with our many pleasant conversations, our Business Administrator, Michael LePlace who has been my sounding board here and our highly capable Borough Barrister, Chris Corsini.

If I left anyone or any group out please accept my apologies.

At this time I would like my wife, Barbara and Grandson to come up o the lectern… Lastly, all this was only possible due to my wife’s constant support and advice. Barbara has always provided a ready ear and sounding board for all four years of frustrations and exhilaration when the stars aligned. She has been an indispensable voice of reason for me all throughout this experience. In addition, dealing with all the problems, paperwork, Doctor’s appointments, hospital visits, Bright Beginnings School schedules and meetings, Transportation issues, Children’s Specialized Hospital for Tanner and yet have time to manage the business especially in my absence for Borough Hall time, I cannot thank her enough.

Each day at Borough Hall I always paid a convivial visit to many departments to share some non-work conversation, some levity and often burst forth in song to put a smile on faces for a day’s worth of serenity.

I want to sincerely thank all our residents who put their faith and trust in my leadership along the way.

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The Optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill

In the final analysis, I would not have wanted it any other way. Thank you. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Mayor John L. Madden

Scott - Positive Solutions