Economic Development Advisory Committee (Archived)

The Middlesex Borough Economic Development Advisory Committee met prior to 2020. 

AGENDAS & MINUTES are archived: agendas and minutes can be found here.

The Borough of Middlesex Redevelopment Committee consisted of Borough elected officials and professionals tasked with reviewing and evaluating potential redevelopment projects. The Committee consisted of five members: the Mayor, the chairperson of the Joint Land Use Board, the Class III member of the Middlesex Borough Joint Land Use Board, a member of the Borough Council, and the Borough’s Redevelopment Attorney.

“The Mayor shall serve as the chairperson of the Committee, but may designate another member to serve as an interim member of the Committee in his absence or upon his recusal from a matter.  The Mayor may convene the Committee on an as-needed basis for the review and evaluation of redevelopment projects that are pending in the Borough.  The Committee provides adequate notice of its meetings pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, provides an agenda, and keeps minutes and records of its meetings to the greatest extent practicable, and shall set aside a public comment portion for each meeting.”

[Eff. 2016-2019] The Middlesex Borough Economic Development Advisory Committee is dedicated to strengthening the economy in Middlesex Borough by creating opportunities for development through business growth, expansion, retention, and attraction. We are highly committed to maintaining economic growth and improving the quality of life for the citizens of Middlesex Borough.

Creating a vibrant and cultivated community is our main priority. We do this by encouraging the economic well-being and expansion of the existing commercial business located within the Borough and develop environmentally sound projects in an effort to improve community aesthetics.

Final Report: Lincoln Blvd. Redevelopment - December 2018

Promoting Economic Development in Middlesex Borough - December 2016



Jim Benson - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Bob Schueler - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Jim Gustafson - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Richard Gianchiglia - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

John Anello - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

James Celentano - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Jason Sabino - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Jack Mikolajczyk - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19

Colin Driver - Member
Term Expiration: 12/31/19